Monday, May 08, 2006

Future of Java Synchronization - Escape Analysis, Lock Coarsening & FastPath

The future releases of Java has a few important synchronization related changes. The new features are

1. Fast Path understand what FastPath means, let us look at how synchronization works in Java. Each Object in java should support synchronization but only a tiny fraction of the objects we use would ever be used for synchronizing. So the overhead (of memory) to implement sync'ing should be very minimal. Hence all the information needed during synchronization are stored in a separate class and objects of this class would be referenced when the object is being sync'ed on.

The class that holds sync info has various fields some of which are a counter holding the number of threads blocked/waiting on this object, an OS specific semaphore object (very heavyweight object) and a counter to track nested syncing on same object by same thread.

When a thread attemps to sync on an object for the first time, the JVM sees that the object has either no sync info instance associated or that the sync info instance has counter of threads waiting as 0. Both of these mean there is no contention on this object yet. So the sync call proceeds into a fast path execution. It either creates a sync info instance and updates the address of this instance into the object(the one we're sync'ing on) using a CAS (compare and swap) instruction or updates the owner field in sync info instance to refer to the new thread.

If the sync info instance has a non-zero instance (yeah we're screwed !) the JVM blocks the thread on the OS specific semaphore. This operation is heavyweight and is called slow path. I dont know why this is heavy and i can just speculate on why its so. So let me not get into that without having more info.

There are two ways of implementing this blocking...using either a infinite loop checking if the object is freed (spin locking) or using the bad OS semaphore to do the work. The first one is CPU intensive and can only be used if the locks are held for very short durations and second can be used anytime. Apparently the JVM will either do an infinte loop for short sync operations. Also the Compare and Swap instruction itself is being replaced by something more efficient. Dunno what though.

All these things help making the fast path locking go thru even faster and attempt to implement spinning to ensure that semaphores are used as minimally as possible ensuring the sync operation itself becomes fast.

2. Escape Analysis to help Lock elision

If an object being locked by a thread can never be accessed by another thread it means each of the synchronizations will always occur on a new object. In such cases we can eliminate the synchronization itself leading to the code being faster since the memory will not have be flushed, the lock will not have to be checked and created. This helps in faster execution times.

3. Lock Coarsening

Consider the following code

private String getMessag()
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("line one");
sb.append("line two");
sb.append("line three");

Each of the StringBuffer.append instructions would involve locking on the string buffer itself. But we can see three calls to this method meaning we would do the following operations thrice

1. Flush of memory to main memory
2. Acquire Lock on String Buffer
3. Flush of memory to main memory

Since the above function can be re-interpreted as

private String getMessag()
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("line one");
sb.append("line two");
sb.append("line three");

we can cut down the number of sync calls to only one. This is called lock coarsening since we effectively coarsen the lock.

Some of these 3 features are in Mustang (Java 6) while most are in Dolphin (Java 7). The mustang already does some escape analysis but apparently the info is not used to do lock elisions and only some simple coarsenings are supported currently. So expect to wait longer till ur code can run fast. To know more on this u can refer to Davids blog entry.

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